secrets weigh heavy on his conscience, as one of the first steps is that of confession. As much a shared secret can be fruitful as can be devastating action of a strictly personal secret (1).
Highlighting the origin of certain disorders or certain attachments, based on the interpretation of dreams, help greatly to make this step.
Overcoming the old ways of life that have settled over time will require a teacher, a new direction must be taken.
The individuation process allows a person to become itself. The portion education to education for oneself is the logical step that perfect the three previous phases (2) . It was at that moment that the question of the religious attitude : Of all my patients who had crossed the threshold of half of life, that is to say who had more than thirty five years, it is not a single problem with the deepest was not formed by the question of his religious attitude. healing is possible only after the patient recovers a religious attitude consistent with itself, This is, of course, absolutely no connection with any matter of religion or membership of a church (3) .
The first three steps are generally taken into consideration in most therapies, the fourth is more specifically Jungian.
Sources: psychological healing (1) p34 (2) p57 (3) p286
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