The man has some feminine unconscious, Jung called anima same for the woman of the opposite sex traits are found combined in the animus.
The anima
The anima is the inner image for Jung that man carries within him all the female (mother, daughter, sister, beloved wife). It was originally a derivative of the image of the mother, who is the first woman he met through him. The traits of this figure correspond to the properties owned by the feminine side of man, the style of his destiny vital unconscious (1).
The animus
The anima has counterpart in women the animus, derived from the paternal image. It is expressed in negative form of prejudice, opinionated, spiritual traditional patterns, brutality or other forms of masculinity Defective positively it is reflected in the spiritual element, creativity and strength of character (2).
When a man and a woman meet, four people were present: the ego of man, his anima, the self of the woman, her animus. The relationships between the various protagonists go through several stages:
A first relationship sets in, it is based on an unconscious identification. Man found characteristics he projects his anima on his beloved, and vice versa for women. We're talking about lightning, mad love. This enables and facilitates the encounter with the other. It may continue long but also degenerate very quickly.
After a longer or shorter, the man and woman are made by the animosity and the first venomous exchanges are emerging. The man discovers his partner traits that do not match his anima, the woman sees a different picture this man whom she covered with a thousand virtues. In the best case, the mechanism by Recall projections , Everyone gets some of its own elements, so the relationship can continue on a new footing.
When man lives in harmony with his anima, he becomes more creative, feminine in him is expressed, a new balance is emerging. It is the same for the woman when she joined the animus.
In alchemy the anima and animus are represented by the sun and moon, in tales by the king and queen. In everyday life, our dreams bring us into contact with kings and queens, in the guise of movie stars, politicians, personalities of the show business, explorers ...
CG Jung and route depths - The discovery of meaning in the process of individuation - Marie Louise von Franz (1) p185 (2) p193
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