Jung has repeatedly stated throughout his work "Our huge admiration for organizations is dwindling as soon as we see the reverse of the coin which is due to an accumulation and a monstrous highlighting all that is primitive in the human, and inevitable destruction of his individuality in favor of the hydra that is, once for all and really, any large organization. The heart of a modern man, fashioned on the prevailing moral collective ideal, turned into a den of robbers. "
The Soul and Life p 222
The media we continue to paint a very bleak future that seems to correspond to the general expectation. The irreversible damage to the environment, climate change, the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction, the risks of germ warfare, viruses of all kinds, ..., all of which feed many legitimate fears.
The individual subsumed and overwhelmed by the world around him, unconsciously participates in this march fatal. Only awareness - once again - can take some distance and work on a small scale to find peace and unity.
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