Marie Louise von Franz: " In the case that troubles adapting to the subject, whether a state of love, hate or position on a theory or idea, it is First worn by a powerful emotional current, and by a desire to devour the loved one, to annihilate the enemy, to impose an idea to others. For this conduct, the subject faces ever to reality the outside world, which leads to conflicts and disappointments. Pride and bravado, so the result to continue further in the same direction. "
Reflections of the Soul, Marie Louise von Franz, P221
The withdrawal of the projections is one of the thorniest problems. Although sometimes the disappointment is too high, we prefer to camp or back on its old positions. Only the act of falling into the same conflict, and repeated, forcing the subject to come into contact with itself.
When our ego accepts finally to abdicate, that's where the real begins release. Everything becomes simple, the energy invested in the external object found its source. Only a lingering sense of bitterness about the lost years, conflicts that could have terminated long ago.
The withdrawal of the projections may take place only within the individual, one being the bearer of consciousness.
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