Monday, February 28, 2011

Telephone Disconnection Letter Sample

Criticisms against the NVA

Better late than never: During the month of February, Dutch politicians have sharply criticized the NVA (Flemish nationalist party) and its president Bart De Wever. Here are four examples.

Eva Brems (Groen): "The president of the VER Bart De Wever has always stated his desire to see independent Flanders. This is clearly radical. For much of the public, when not running behind the NVA, one is considered a bad Fleming. Since June 13, our country is in the hands of the NVA, it is inevitable. And they know very well where they want to go with our country. They make strange antics (Like the time after saying they did not speak, they made the law a major demand for funding), but basically, they keep the same direction. Their strategy is based on the fact that we live a unique moment. It's a chance that probably does not represent, is when they have never been stronger and the other Flemish parties also low. The aim of NVA is independent Flanders. But because she knows that the majority of the Flemings do not want it, she perfected the art of themselves as wanting to reform. In fact, they want to degradation. To be precise: does the VER no solution. What they want is to make a virus in the system, a worm in the apple. Bart De Wever absolutely does not want the peace community. He works at the end of Belgium without the people against the wishes and interests of Flanders, because the ultimate consequence is that we will lose Brussels as a window of the world ".

President Groen Wouter Van Besien: "The NVA and CD & V think that Brussels must be collectively managed by the Flemish and Francophones. It is as if communities were to deal with Brussels as stepmothers. It is a vision worthy of the 19th century.

MP Federal Mathias De Clercq (VLD): "The NVA has clearly demonstrated it would not or could lead to a solution. perfidious strategy of rotting lasted long enough. It must be unmasked. What's funny, it ' Bart De Wever is that it's OK with his behavior, because there's always someone else who comes out the chestnuts from the fire, as President of CD & V Wouter Beke. But that De Wever runs everything. It distributes the single thought, put the virus in the system. "

Senator Rik Torfs (CD & V): "This is not because Bart De Wever is currently the king of Flanders that the attitude refusing compromise is best. Politicians are elected to find solutions and establish a government. Not only train and not renew the population to the polls, as Bart De Wever seems to suggest.


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