Thursday, February 24, 2011

Motherboard Trace Repair

pro-Belgian citizens

1 Bricman journalist Charles wrote, February 14, on his blog http : / / : "You have seen something of a winter day 53. I'll see wither and abandon you, resigned, or syndrome of the landslide that took some old when they lost the will to live. We say that is the order of things. But I have a doubt. Is that really you, Belgium, I go look through your fingers stained a few pointers plumbers? Or is it just the costume they decked thee to make you look like your supposed peers? France, which comes from the depths of centuries and that call if we may believe certain solemn cap. Haughty England imposing its rule the world iron and lead. Germany hysterical. Catholic Spain. Imperial Austria. And all the others. You were their toy. You were their issue. You go from one to another and returned to the previous, according to the arms and alliances, until that day when you came the idea can be fatal to enter your ride in the big leagues for play a partition that was not yours and sing your invincible unity, quickly rejected by your irreducible diversity. He had to define what was not definable. Describe the unspeakable. Company absurd and hopeless, hopelessly doomed to failure. The Belgians are not a nation and will never make one. Talleyrand was right. They are finding their unity through their differences. This is not nothing. And that is precisely what makes your prize, human Belgium. That's why I love you. Rest a little longer with us. But remains above what you are. I'm Belgian. Particular. And I still persists and signs.

2 The Flemish artist Luc Tuymans took the opening in February of his retrospective at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels to discuss the political situation: "I am completely opposed nationalism. I do not understand the ignorance and stupidity of those who follow Bart De Wever. A few years ago, the CVP which by electoral opportunism has paved the Vlaams Blok. This time, the CD & V by the same electoral opportunism Bart De Wever has fostered. This nationalist vote has to do with some Flemish history, a minority complex, the trauma of World War II. But alas, those who govern us have become a-cultural. The cultural world at large reacts like me but has become a minority. Not only in Belgium. In the Netherlands, there is now talk of hatred of art, rejecting art as elitist and leftist ".


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