unpublished texts of Jung
All the writings of CG Jung, all conferences are far from being published. Although the list of books
Jung be consistent, there are many documents, manuscripts, notes and letters that should be edited. It is the task that was assigned the Philemon Foundation
, founded in 2003, Anglo-American initiative to be welcomed.
An international team was formed for a first time:
- Provide a new translation of seminars on children's dreams.
- Establish a complete edition of seminars that took place at ETH Zurich from 1933 to 1941, based on newly discovered notes.
- post the entire correspondence between CG Jung and Victor White.
- post almost in its entirety of Jung's Red Book.
The number of documents available is very important condition requiring the work of rebuilding and formatting that will span three decades. In the end thirty additional volumes could be added to current publications from the Philemon Foundation.
hope that as and when publications in English these books are translated into French. List of documents entrusted and archived at ETH Zurich (German, pdf format)
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