Steps: must create his Gmail inbox, a blog on Blogger in 25 minutes, then send their tickets to Blogger via email and not directly.
You can copy and paste this blog on your word processor and possibly print: this document will guide your operations.
Mailbox Gmail. On www.google.fr, click on About Google and then click More options Google Gmail, and then M is guided.
tabs settings the box Gmail:
- General. Choose 25 conversations per page, enter its signature, and extracts indicateoldupassour display, turn off the answering machine, adopt the Unicode UTF 8. Save.
- Accounts: easy
- Labels and Filters: I do not use them, thanks to the mirror pops.
- Forwarding and POP. Disable transfer.
POP: it's great to create a mirror of the mailbox Gmail on Outlook Express or Microsoft Entourage or other email software. This allows you to rename received messages, drag them into folders and subfolders in your hard drive and manage their mailbox without changing their habits. It retains its old box separately, if desired. Your new box Gmail, meanwhile, archives all messages on the Internet and eliminates almost all spam.
To create the mirror, take POPs, keep copies of emails, "configure your client" and will be guided. Save.
Periodically, Gmail will ask for more type in your username: @ foregoing in the name of the mailbox, and enter the password of the Gmail inbox. Check Store and click Connect.
Create your blog on Blogger. On www.google.fr, click on About Google then Google Alternatives, then B Blogger. On
www.blogger.com: "Create your blog: orange arrow.
Username: enter only the foregoing @ in your email address on Gmail
Password for Blogger: four letters you enough
Display Name: your name and name, not necessarily your mailing address.
Blog Name: for example, the name of an association or a newsletter.
Blog address: enter only the first letters of the name. Blogger tells you if this title is available. They precede the obligatory.
Confirm blogspot.com, copy the letters that spread fanciful pirates.
Choose a model. For example I use the Model 9 "Sand Dollar". Avoid
continue with "Post Message" and return to the dashboard to set: "Change Settings."
"General." Register above the name and description (optional). Yes to all questions and not "content aside ..." However, if your blog should remain confidential, for example if you exchange personal messages within a group, answer No to the proposals "add blog to our listings" and "Let the search engines ..." Save.
"Publication" nothing
"Formatting" easy. Timezone Paris. Yes to the last four questions. Yes to "Convert" Save.
"Comments" OK Click on View, Everyone, On, linked pages displayed. Related pages: hide. Not to Backlink, No to popup windows, Yes to moderation, enter their email address, check image. Save.
"Archive" Monthly Yes to activate. Save.
Full Site Feed.
"Email" Only fill in the address of its mailbox G mail if you do not want the blog remains confidential
-Mail Address Blogger register @ the foregoing in the above address. After item, enter the password (four letters is sufficient) that only know the two authors of the blog), and it continues par@blogger.com. Publish immediately. Save.
"Permissions" Enter email addresses of the authors of the blog, which must be at least two. "Readers": All
Back to the dashboard, on the "Layout."
"Page Elements"; Navibar displays the general title of the blog, followed by optional description. Edit. Save.
"list of links": nothing.
"Archive" Edit. Hierarchy View headlines. Monthly. Save.
"Who are you?" Change. Share my profile. Name, description, city postal code. Rather not disclose their e-mail or show cut in two: "mdupont ajouter@gmail.com and "Save.
"fonts and colors": nothing
"Edit html": nothing
Send Message (ticket) is childish
On a new page of your word processor, Verdana body with 14 points example, not indented, type your message to your liking. Its title should be in bold letters without accent marks, apostrophes or breaking spaces. Check your spelling and "copy".
Paste it into the body of a "new message" email from your Gmail mailbox or both of its mirror POPs.
To: register @ the above address in your gmail. After item, enter the password for Blogger above (known only to authors). Then
@ blogger.com Subject: Re: cut and paste it as fat as described above, without accented letters.
At the bottom of the message, clear your eventual signature. Send.
Your "ticket" is already on the Internet, where you admire in
Intervening in the blog from another computer
first Reopen your Gmail inbox by
Click on the center Gmail-Settings.
Enter the username that the preceding @ in the name of the mailbox.
Enter the password of the Gmail inbox. Check Store and click Connect.
While leaving open your blog, you http://www.blogger.com
On Dashboard, Manage messages, click View, then click Edit when you see the message body in semi- html. You can delete or replace plain text with accented letters.
You can avoid battling with this semi-html if you have taken care to keep your message on a text document or a copy of the email by which you created the message. Call "Initial" the text retained. Save it as "Final" and enter your changes. On Blogger
, "Edit" shows the semi-html. Copy and paste into a text document saved as "html", to temporarily retain in case of mishandling. The clear to Blogger by replacing "Final", which is not semi-html, but that will be accepted. View Blog: your change is made and subsequent amendments will be possible without the nightmare of the semi-html.
It is vital to helping with the post title, which appears above him, including to substitute the letters with accent marks, apostrophes and breaking spaces. Save. Whether to also amend the general title of the blog, go to the tab "Layout" and change Navbar, and save. Return to the url of the blog to see.
Awareness Beyond the 25 minutes it takes, you'll have to deal with the reputation of your blog, starting with the people you want feedback.
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