This other that we like this one that appears throughout the process of individuation.
Careful examination of the fantasies, facts that mark everyday life, dreams, ... we gradually put in contact with someone more complex, more complete. Items that were originally relegated in the shadow are gradually integrated. Through dialogue with the anima or animus and new figures appear. Finally a new being is born, both very different from what we thought and finally close.
Marie Louise von Franz insists that we protect this fragile: "To achieve our goals, we continually assassinate, in ourselves, that being humble respects to the secret of the soul, which keeps the open mind on the divine. "
She added: "I think the greatest merit of Jung and his work was to teach us to leave the door open to the unknown visitor. He also tried to teach us to live in a provision that we avoids the wrath of the visitor, his anger, which falls on the host surface, proud and greedy folk tales. "
It ends with these words: "That came from the gods spread the blessing or affliction not only depends on ourselves."
This entry of the gods in our lives is you it not the most valuable?
Source: Soul and archetypes - Marie Louise von Franz - p93
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